Hi, I'm
a UX designer in Seattle.
I design emerging tech.
Case studies
Other work
The COVID Tracking Project (2020, current)
The COVID Tracking Project aims to give the public the most complete data available on COVID-19 in the US. No official source is providing it, so we are.
I'm volunteering to help redesign state data pages.I'm volunteering to help redesign state data pages.
Microsoft Teams data assistant (2019)
A 2-week collaboration between designers and PMs from Microsoft Teams and Power BI.
I envisioned and mocked up a digital assistant within Teams that helps people quickly access, understand, and glean insights about their data.A digital assistant within Teams that helps people easily explore their data.
Power BI high-density visuals (2016)
Power BI was losing customers to Tableau, because our sampling algorithm on charts with over 3,500 data points was flawed. My design explorations led to the discovery of a new sampling algorithm as accurate as Tableau's.A new algorithm for sampling dense data, to prevent Power BI from losing customers to Tableau.
Our Backyard (2015)
The Why Not Us Foundation aims to connect low-income Seattle residents with healthy, affordable food.
My team and I prototyped an Android app to serve Seattlites involved with WNUF's community gardens. The prototype helped WNUF gain credibility with potential funders and partners.A prototype of an Android app that helps low-income Seattleites find healthy, affordable food.
Shy Robot (2020, current)
My latest Arduino project: a robot that sings and dances when it senses it's alone in a room.
Stay tuned for a demo.My latest Arduino project: a robot that sings and dances when it senses it's alone in a room.
Stay tuned for a demo.
Let the Body (2014)
An experimental performance in which "music" is created by the body's movement.
I danced in the dark with LEDs attached to my extremities, surrounded by devices I built to emit noise based on changes in ambient light.
Watch the performance.An experimental aerial dance involving theremins. Watch the performance.
Emergency shelter (2011)
My team and I won a 3-day competition to design and build a disaster relief shelter. We sewed a rain-resistant shell from used billboard canvas, fit over a collapsible bamboo geodesic frame, with pockets that could be stuffed with newspaper for insulation and floor padding. The shelter was 30 lb. and cost $80.A shelter made from used canvas over a collapsible bamboo frame, with pockets that could be stuffed for insulation.
Syzygryd (2010)
Syzygryd is a 2.5-ton fire-breathing musical instrument.
I led engineering and fabrication of a fire tornado turbine and helped CNC plasma-cut the main sculpture.
Watch us test (burn) a cardboard prototype of the fire tornado.I led the creation of a fire tornado turbine for this 2.5-ton fire-breathing musical instrument. Watch us test a cardboard prototype.
Recent UX work
In March, 2020, I ended 4 years at Microsoft, where I led the Power BI Analytics product design team. My work covered AI, NLP, machine learning, ethics, integration with other products, and more, on the web and desktop apps.
After Microsoft, I had planned to travel for a few months (I'm trying to visit as many countries as my age ... almost there!) but came home early because of COVID-19. Since then, I've been volunteering with The COVID Tracking Project and coaching the design team at Transparent Classroom.
Digital + physical + social
I'm usually happiest when my work combines digital, physical, and/or social elements. Over the past 15 years, that has included:
I love what I do. Outside work, you'll find me practicing Spanish, renovating my house, or (when we're allowed out) backpacking, SCUBA diving, and blues dancing around the world.
Say hi